Inland Power supports our members' interest in supplying their own electricity needs through the use of qualifying renewable energy sources. We have adopted a streamlined process so members can be assured that the system they are interested in meets Inland Power standards before they commit to buying and installing a solar, wind or other renewable energy generating system.
Renewable resource interconnection is a method to support member investment in renewable energy technologies. Renewable Interconnection enables members to use their own generation to offset their consumption over a billing period. This is accomplished by allowing their electric meters to net with their consumption when they generate electricity.
Thinking of installing wind or solar generation? Take a look at Inland Power's fuel mix to see how "green" your energy already is!

Here are some helpful sites to do your research:
Let's Go Solar
PV Calculator
How to Avoid Solar Power Scams - Solar Washington
Before interconnecting a system there are a few steps to have your system approved by Inland Power at your site. Answering the following questions is the first step in this process; nearly all residential scale systems will qualify for this streamlined approval process and you will have an answer in 15 business days or less.
Does your proposed system use an inverter-based interconnection which is certified by an independent laboratory to meet the requirements of UL 1741?
Is this system connected through a single-phase transformer?
Is the system 100 kW or smaller in size?
Does the installation of this system require changes or additions to Inland Power’s facilities? (Answering yes to this question requires additional review by Inland Power staff.)
If you answered yes to the first three questions and no to the fourth question you are ready to apply for interconnection to the Inland Power system. If you answered no to one of the first three questions or yes to question four, our engineering staff will need longer to evaluate your request.
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about the approval process at interconnection@inlandpower.com.
Submit and interconnection application along with a one-line, site diagram and $250 application fee. In addition to the generating system Inland Power requires a blade type lockable disconnect and a production meter base be installed.
Inland Power will review your project submission and will let you know if approved for construction.
Proceed with solar installation, following local codes and permitting requirements.
Once your system has been inspected and approved by the state electrical inspector, contact Inland Power.
Inland Power will conduct our inspection, install your new meter(s) and complete the interconnection.
Please submit your completed application to interconnection@inlandpower.com.
This process is for systems up to 100kW. Contact our interconnection department at interconnection@inlandpower.com for anything over 100kW.